Meeting of the Transport, Distribution and Storage Vertical at the EIC.

The third meeting of the Transport, Distribution and Storage Vertical covers topics such as blending, storage in salt caverns, solid-state storage and LOHC technologies.

The third meeting of the Transport, Distribution and Storage Vertical of the BH2C, led by Nortegas, was held on Friday 26 April, at the EIC - Energy Intelligence Center ABANTO Campus. The event brought together 45 people from the 27 organisations that form part of this Vertical.

Speaking on behalf of Nortegas, Josu Aramburu detailed the latest developments in the Vertical, as well as the most relevant regulatory aspects affecting the sector in recent months. In addition, Daniel Cuadrado, also from Nortegas, confirmed that after three years of testing in the H2SAREA project, the distribution networks work perfectly with 20% blending, and that the mixture of green hydrogen with 20% natural gas would avoid 2.75 million tonnes of CO2 emissions per year, equivalent to the emissions generated by around 3 million homes, 40-50% of the total natural gas consumption in Spain.

Subsequently, Iñigo Santamaría, from TEAM Ingeniería, outlined the progress being made in the development of solutions for underground storage of hydrogen in salt caverns within the framework of the H2SALT project; Iker Kortejarena, from AMPO, presented the company's solutions, in partnership with the Swiss company GRZ, for transforming low-pressure hydrogen into electrical energy on demand, into high-pressure hydrogen for mobility and into carbon-neutral methane; and Ion Agirre, from the UPV/EHU, presented the UnLOHCked project, which is looking to unravel the full potential of LOHC technologies for hydrogen logistics by developing a fully CO2-free dehydrogenation unit for power generation in energy efficient conditions and with highly optimized catalysts.

All the presentations used in the conference will be available in the Members section of the BH2C website (, in the Documentation sub-section. Access to this information is restrticed by username and password. If you require access to this section, please contact the technical office at

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